The Centre for Migration Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University (CeBaM AMU)
is a research center founded in 2009. It was established to bring together AMU researchers interested in international migration in an effort to carry out joint research projects with a particular focus on migration in western Poland.
The center’s interdisciplinary work is led by social and cultural anthropologists. The researchers conduct both basic qualitative studies and participatory action research. The center also disseminates research results outside scientific communities, translating them into policy and programmatic recommendations. It collaborates with public officials, municipal governments, and non-governmental organization.
CeBaM AMU carries out academic, applied, and educational activities, including:
♦ research projects on foreigners living in Poznań and emigration from Poland;
♦ books From Guests to Neighbors (2010); Migration and Cultural Heterogeneity (2012); Not Useful Enough (2015); The Rights and Obligations of a Foreigner Associated with the Legalization of a Stay in the Territory of the Polish Republic (2015); and Strategies to Support Migrants in the Labor Market (2015);
♦ cooperation with Migrant Info Point (MIP), an information clearing house and assistance program for immigrants living in Poznan and vicinity. Established in 2013, MIP offers legal advice, activities facilitating integration into the wider Polish society, Polish language courses, professional counseling, and micro-enterprise training. Currently, MIP is run by the CeBaM Foundation
♦ recommendations to promote local immigrant integration through ; these collaboration with public officials, municipal governments, and non-governmental organizations;
♦ public lectures and workshops on international migration, immigrant integration, asylum, and cultural diversity;
♦ classes for AMU students on international migration;
♦ media campaigns aimed at bringing attention to the situation of immigrants in Poznań; we also act as experts in local and national media;
♦ CeBaM members also carry out individual research projects, covering a broad thematic and geographical spectrum;
♦ collaboration with international authorities in the field of migration and institutions with many years of experience in the implementation of integration policies.
CeBaM in the media
Radio Merkury
30 marca 2016
"Referendum w sprawie imigrantów?"
Gazeta Wyborcza
29 grudnia 2015
"Tym razem Palestyńczyk. Kolejne pobicie obcokrajowca w Poznaniu"
Radio Markury
16 listopada 2015
wywiad z prof. Michałem Buchowskim
Gazeta Wyborcza
5 kwietnia 2016
"Decyzja o emigracji jest dramatem", wywiad z prof. Michałem Buchowskim
Radio Markury
19 września 2015
reportaż Wandy Wasilewskiej „Dwa protesty. Dyptyk”
o manifestacji
Gazeta Wyborcza
18 września 2015
wywiad z prof. Michałem Buchowskim
Oświadczenie CeBaM
9 września 2015
w sprawie uchodźców na stronie UAM,
3 września 2015
„Fala uchodźców w Europie. Czy Poznań jest gotowy na ich przyjęcie?”
♦ Urząd Miasta Poznania
Przewodnik o ochronie zdrowia dla osób z Ukrainy
♦ Centrum Kultury Zamek
♦ Poznańskie Centrum Praw Człowieka Instytutu Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk
♦ Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej
♦ Polskie Forum Migracyjne
♦ Muzułmańskie Centrum Kulturalno-Oświatowe w Poznaniu
♦ Stowarzyszenie Sędziów THEMIS
♦ Międzynarodowa Organizacja ds. Migracji w Polsce
♦ Urząd Miasta Monachium