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prof. UAM dra hab. Natalia Bloch

anthropologist at the Department of Anthropology and Ethnology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań


Research interests:

♦ Anthropology of Mobility: multicultural communities emerged as an outcome of mobility; intersections of various forms of people’s spatial mobility; mobility regimes and the ways of overcoming them; methodological challenges in researching mobility and mobilizing anthropology

♦ Refugee Studies: the International Refugee Regime; refugees’ subjectivity and agency; nation-making in diasporas; the identity processes in the second generation of refugees (research in a Tibetan diaspora in India); heritage protection and modernisation-induced forced displacement (research at the UNESCO World Heritage site and on spatial cleaning of slums in India)

♦ Migration Studies: Polish migration memory (19th century) and the contemporary perception of migrants (anthropological interventions in Poland); migrant adaptation processes and applied anthropology in relation to migrants’ integration (immigrants in Poland); migrants in the tourism sector (research in India)

♦ Anthropology of Tourism: informal tourism sector in a postcolonial context; tourism encounters; power relations and the potential of tourism as a source of empowerment and recovering the voices by marginalised communities (research in India)

♦ Postcolonial Theory: employing postcolonial theory concepts in analysing contemporary phenomena of migration, tourism, and cultural heritage (e.g. colonial legacies)

♦ Public Anthropology: anthropological reportage writing; engagement in public debates on migrants and refugees (movies, exhibitions)



♦ Communities Embedded in Mobility: Refugees, Migrants, and Tourists in India. Towards a Non-Sedentarist Anthropology, 2016-2019, a post-doc fellowship of the Polish National Science Centre; manager and principal investigator. [link]

♦ We Are All Migrants. Letters of Polish Immigrants from America in the Late 19th Century, 2016-2018, grant of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage; principal investigator, curator, editor. [link]

♦ (Re)covering the Memory of Migration, 2016, research project with the participation of students conducted in the villages of origin of the 19th-century migrants to Americas, financed by the Department of Anthropology and Ethnology and the Centre for Migration Studies of the Adam Mickiewicz University; manager. [fanpage]

♦ Power Relations and Strategies of Authenticity in Tourism. A Case Study of India through a Postcolonial Perspective; 2012-2016, research grant of the Polish National Science Center; manager and principal investigator.

♦AMIGA. Active Migrants in the Local Labor Market. Polish-German Cooperation Project, 2013-2015, European Social Fund grant; supervisor of streetworkers team. [link]

♦ Factors Assisting and Restricting the Integration of Third Country Nationals into the Labor Market, Healthcare, and Education, 2010; European Fund for Integration grant; principal investigator. [link]

♦ Foreigners in Poland: The Heterogeneity of Large Urban Centres. A Case Study of Poznań, 2009-2012, a research grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education; principal investigator, researcher team coordinator, author of chapters in the concluding monograph. [link]

♦Regional National-Religious Movements in an Increasingly Globalized Asia. Contemporary Pilgrimages to Mount Kailash in the Indian-Chinese-Nepalese Borderland (2007-2010), a research grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education; researcher.

♦ Culture and Politics. A Case Study of the Young Generation of Tibetan Exiles in India, 2007-2009, a PhD grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education; manager and principal investigator. [link]


♦ N. Bloch, Refugees, Migrants, and Engaged Anthropologists. Anthropological Interventions in the Time of the „Refugee Crisis”, „Kultura i Społeczeństwo”, numer specjalny poświęcony antropologii zaangażowanej pod red. G. Kubicy-Heller i E. Michny (forthcoming)

♦ N. Bloch, Wdowy, polityczki, feministki i ja. Esej o antropologii na rogu ulicy, w: A. Posern-Zieliński, T. Buliński, M. Kairski (red.), Antropolog w terenie, Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego 2020. (forthcoming)

♦ N. Bloch, Beyond a Sedentary Other and a Mobile Tourist. Transgressing Mobility Categories in the Informal Tourism Sector in India, “Critique of Anthropology”, vol. 40, issue 2, 2020, s. 218-237. doi:

Bloch N. 2017. Beyond Integration. Tibetan Diaspora’s Separation Strategy in Multicultural India, in: The World of Encounters. The Role of Migration and Ethnicity in the Contemporary World. Ed. A. Posern-Zieliński, Poznań: Instytut im. Oskara Kolberga, Pp. 75-96. [pdf]


Bloch, N. (ed.) 2016. Wszyscy jesteśmy migrantami. (Od)zyskiwanie pamięci migracyjnej) [We Are All Migrants. (Re)covering of the Memory of Migration]. Poznań: Centrum Kultury ZAMEK, 2016, pp. 346. [pdf]


Bloch, N., I. Main, K. Sydow (eds). 2015. Nie dość użyteczni. Zmagania imigrantów na lokalnym rynku pracy [Not Useful Enough. The Struggle of Immigrants in the Local Labor Market]. Eds. Poznań: Centrum Badań Migracyjnych UAM, Pp. 189. [pdf]


Bloch, N. 2014. Constructing Borders within Diaspora. „Born Refugees”, Newcomers and Bargaining Tibetan Identity, in: Middle Grounds, Ambiguous Frontiers and Intercultural Spaces. Eds. A. Posern-Zieliński, L. Mróz, Poznań: Instytut im. Oskara Kolberga, Pp. 135-154. [pdf]


Bloch, N. 2011. Obóz uchodźców jako atrakcja turystyczna. Kto i po co od(z)wiedza diasporę tybetańską? [Refugee Camp as Tourist Attraction: Who Re(dis)covers the Tibetan Diaspora, and Why?] Etnografia Polska 55(1-2): 51-68. [pdf]


Bloch, N. 2011.Urodzeni uchodźcy. Tożsamość pokolenia młodych Tybetańczyków w Indiach [Born Refugees: The Identity of the Young Generation of Tibetans in India], Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Pp. 672. [link]


Bloch, N. and Goździak, E.M. (eds) 2010 Od gości do sąsiadów. Integracja cudzoziemców spoza Unii Europejskiej w Poznaniu w edukacji, na rynku pracy i w opiece zdrowotnej [From Guests to Neighbors: Integration of Migrants from Non-European Union Countries in Poznań City: Education, Labour Market, and Healthcare]. Poznań: Centrum Badań Migracyjnych UAM, Pp. 262. [link]


Bloch, N. 2008. Young Tibetan Exile Today: A Democrat, Environmentalist, Vegetarian? Globalization and Negotiating Identity in the Situation of Displacement, in: Exploring Home, Neighboring and Distant Cultures. L. Mróz, A. Posern-Zieliński (eds), Warsaw: DiG, Pp. 239-258. [link]

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