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 prof. Elżbieta M. Goździak

Cultural anthropologist and migration researcher, Visiting Professor, Center for Migration Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University, Research Professor at OsloMet University, professor at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.



Research interests:

♦ Migration studies: forced migration and political refugees, immigrant integration in North America and Europe, child and adolescent migrants, contested childhoods, Polish migration within Europe, migration of healthcare and social care workers, human trafficking;

♦ Medical anthropology: refugee and migrant mental health, medicalization of human suffering, health disparities, refugees and migrants’ access to health care;

♦ Methodological approaches: participatory action research, ethnographic interviews, focus groups, mobile and multi-sited ethnography, research ethics;

♦ Applied anthropology: evaluation of migration policy and programs, monitoring and evaluation of programs for survivors of human trafficking;


Selected Publications:

♦ Main, Izabella, Elżbieta Goździak. From Going Abroad to Settling Down... While Remaining Mobile? Polish Women in Norway Narrate Their Migration Experiences (accepted 2020) Nordic Journal of Migration Research


♦ Goździak E. M. & Main I., (2020) “Transnational Mobility and Socio-cultural Remittances: The Case of Polish Women in Norway and Poland”, Ethnologia Europaea 50(1). doi:


♦ Europe and the Refugee Response. A Crisis of Values? Routledge 2020. (Editor, with Izabella Main and Brigitte Suter)

♦ Goździak, Elżbieta. Palermo at 20: A Retrospective and Prospective. 2020. Special issue of The Journal of Human Trafficking. Volume 6. Issue 2 (Editor, with Kathleen M. Vogel).

♦ Goździak Elżbieta, Brigitte Suter. 2020. Concluding thoughts. In Elżbieta M. Goździak, Izabella Main, Brigitte Suter (eds.) Europe and the Refugee Response. A Crisis of Values? Routledge 2020.

♦ Goździak, Elżbieta, Izabella Main. 2020. Contesting flexible solidarity: Poland and the ‘migration crisis’. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, section Refugees and Conflict.


​♦ Goździak, Elżbieta. Low Hanging Fruit: How Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Erased Foreign-born Victims of Child Trafficking from Anti-trafficking Efforts in the United States. 2020. Journal of Human Trafficking 6(2): 226-233.


♦ Multiple belongings: transnational mobility, social class, and gendered identities among Polish migrants in Norway. 2019. Social Identities, DOI: 10.1080/13504630.2019.1677458 (with Marek Pawlak)


♦ Paperless and Jobless: The Undocumented Status and Access to Employment among Latino Youth. 2019. Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, 2019 45(1):25-39. DOI 10.4467/25444972SMPP.19.001.10251


♦ Where the Wild Things Are: Fear of Islam and the Anti-Refugee Rhetoric in Hungary and in Poland. Central and Eastern European Migration Review. Published online: 21 June 2018, pp. 1–27. doi: 10.17467/ceemr.2018.04 (with Péter Márton)


♦ Children and Forced Migration: Durable Solutions during Transient Years. Palgrave. 2017. (Editor, with Marisa O. Ensor)


♦ Contested Childhoods: Growing Up in Migrancy. Springer Publishing. 2016. (Editor, with Marie Louise Seeberg)


♦ Trafficked Children and Youth in the United States: Reimagining Survivors. Rutgers University Press. 2016.


♦ Theorizing Polish migration across Europe: Perspectives, concepts, and methodologies. 2016. Sprawy Narodowosciowe. Seria nowa (Nationalities Affiars. New Series). 48: 106–127 (with Marek Pawlak).


♦ Biała emigracja: Variegated Mobility of Polish Care Workers. 2016. Social Identities 22(1): 26-43.


♦ To Dream or Not to Dream. The Effects of Immigration Status, Discrimination, and Parental Influence on Latino Children’s Access to Education. Migration Studies 2(3): 392-414 November 2014


♦ Aiding defeated migrants.” International Migration 52(1): 87-99. January 2014 (with Izabela Czerniejewska)

♦ Misconceptions about human trafficking in a time of crisis. Forced Migration Review 45: 58-59. February 20014 (with Alissa Walter).


♦ Ten Obcy. Stosunek Wielkopolan do cudzoziemcow. (The Other. Attitudes of the Wielkopolska Residents toward Foreigners), Przeglad Wielkopolski 2012 1(95): 17-28 (with Leszek Nowak).


♦ Migrant Children: At the Crossroads of Vulnerability and Resiliency. Palgrave: 2010 (Editor with Marisa O. Ensor).


♦ Od gości do sąsiadów. Integracja cudzoziemców spoza Unii Europejskiej w Poznaniu w edukacji, na rynku pracy i w opiece zdrowotnej (From guests to neighbors. Integration of third-country nationals in the labor force, education, and health care in Poznan). Poznan: UAM Press: 2010 (Editor with Natalia Bloch).


♦ Identifying child victims of human trafficking: Toward solutions and resolutions.” Criminology and Public Policy 2010 9(2): 245-256.


♦ New Immigrants, Changing Communities. Best Practices for a Better America. Lexington Books: Lanham, MD 2008 (with Micah N. Bump).


♦ On Challenges, Dilemmas, and Opportunities in Studying Trafficked Children” The Anthropology Quarterly Fall 2008 81(4): 903-923.


♦ The Care of Unaccompanied Undocumented Children in Federal Custody: Issues and Options” Protecting Children 23 (1) January 2008 (with Micah N. Bump).





♦ Good beginnings, promising futures. Children with migration backgrounds in polish schools. (3.10.2022-2.10.2026), funding: NCN funding under the OPUS program (coordinator). 

♦ Norms and Values in the European Migration and Refugee Crisis (NovaMigra) 2018-2021, (researcher) [link]


♦ Migration for welfare: nurses within three regimes of immigration and integration into the Norwegian welfare state (WELLMIG), 2017-2020, researcher [link]

♦ Mobile Lives, Immobile Realms? Female Mobility Between Poland and Norway, 2015-2019; researcher [link]


♦ Trafficking Survivors Return Home: An Exploratory Study, National Science Foundation. 2014-2016 [link]


♦ Facilitating Local Integration of Central American Unaccompanied Children and Adolescents. J.M. Kaplan Fund, 2014, PI


♦ Stop Girl Trafficking: Evaluation of an Anti-Trafficking Program in Nepal. Humanity United, 2013, PI


♦ After Rescue: Evaluation of Strategies to Stabilize and Integrate Adult Survivors of Human Trafficking into the United States. National Institute for Justice (NIJ). 2013-2014, PI


♦ Urban refugees in Malaysia. Georgetown University, 2013-2014, PI

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