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prof. dr hab. Agata Stanisz.jpg

prof. UAM dra hab. Agata Stanisz

social anthropologist, fieldrecordist, profesor at the Deparment of Anthropology and Ethnology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań


Research interests:

♦ Mobility vs locality
♦ Mobile and multisite ethnographies
♦ Regimes of mobility
♦ Anthropology of freight transportation
♦ Road studies/dromology
♦ Kinship and family studies



♦ Moving modernizations. Influence of motorway A2 on local cultural landscapes Funding: National Science Center (NCN)


project dates: 2014-2017
function: key investigator


♦ Foreigners in Poland: The heterogeneity of large urban centres – A case study of Poznan


funding: Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
project dates: 2009-2012
function: investigator

♦ Kinship and Social Security

funding: the European Union's Sixth Framework Programme
project dates: 2004-2007
function: investigator



♦ Kuligowski W., Stanisz A. (2017), Ruchome modernizacje. Między Autostradą Wolności a „starą dwójką”, seria: „Biblioteka Le Monde diplomatique”, Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy Książka i Prasa, ss. 437. [link]

♦ Stanisz A. (2016), Three square metres. About fieldwork on the road and experience of total intimacy, w: W. Kuligowski, A. Stanisz (red.), Cultures of motorway. Localities through mobility as an anthropological issue, „Poznańskie Studia Etnologiczne” nr 19, Wielichowo: TIPI, s. 47-68. [link]

♦ Stanisz A. (2015), Mobilność mimochodem, czyli przydrożne społeczności i strefy przepływu. Praktyczne zastosowanie „paradygmatu nowych mobilności”, „Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Prace Etnograficzne”, t. 43, z. 3, s. 213-226; doi: 10.4467/22999558.PE.15.017.4877. [link]

♦ Stanisz A. (2015), Regimes of logistics, pauses in the flow, stillness in (near) industrial non-places and mobility infrastructure, „Studia Humanistyczne
AGH. Kwartalnik Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. S. Staszica”, t. 14, nr 4, s. 73-86; doi: 14.4.73-86. [link]

♦ Stanisz A. (2012), Ruchome miejsca i etnografia translokalności, w: Lokalność, „Tematy z Szewskiej” nr 2(8), s. 6-18; Yadda identifier: bwmeta1.element.desklight-8f1d9a1a-1a37-42ce-9049-70190b9164f6. [link]

♦ Stanisz A. (2012), Tajwańscy studenci Uniwersytetu Medycznego, w: M. Buchowski, J. Schmidt (red.), Migracje a heterogeniczność kulturowa. Na podstawie badań antropologicznych w Poznaniu, „Poznańskie Studia Etnologiczne” nr 10. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, s. 155-188.


Additional information


Other research projects:


♦ Industry of mobility: between logistics and performance (2015)


♦ Mobile ethnographic research in the environment of international professional drivers in Poland, the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium. Research grant under the Special Purpose Subsidy for the Development of Young Staff at IAiE AMU in Poznań.

♦ Transnationality on the road. Research in the environment of Polish long-distance truck drivers in Western Europe (2012)

♦ Mobile ethnographic research in the environment of international professional drivers in Poland, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and France. Research grant under the Special Purpose Subsidy for the Development of Young Staff at IAiE AMU in Poznań.

♦ Culture on the move: translocality and mobility of long-distance truck drivers (2011)

♦ Mobile ethnographic research in the environment of international professional drivers in Denmark and Germany. Research grant under the Special Purpose Subsidy for the Development of Young Staff at IAiE AMU in Poznań.


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