"Let’s talk about refugees"
Three educational training programs and workshops for teachers and students in public primary schools in Poznań and Wielkopolska region.
1st edition in 2017
2nd edition in 2018
3rd edition in 2019
Aleksandra Jarocka
Marta Kluszczyńska
Krystyna Lewińska
Izabella Main
CeBaM UAM, City of Poznań, Batory Foundation
One World Association in Poznań, Migrant Info Point
Each edition consisted of several actions:
one-three day-long training on forced migration, multicultural education, and non-formal education
90-minute workshops in schools for groups of 15-30 students
supervision of educators
lectures and discussions on [you need to be specific here; in English it sound weird to say to increase knowledge];
debriefing and final evaluation of the project
Trained 30 educators in multicultural education, with focus on forced migration
Organized 90 workshops in schools
2200 students participated in the workshops