Dr Izabela Kujawa
Cultural anthropologist and ethnolinguist
Post-doctoral trainee at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Szczecin
Email: izabela.kujawa@uszedu.pl
Google scholar (podlinkowane na: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hhr8bdIAAAAJ&hl=pl&authuser=1&oi=ao)
Research interests:
♦ International migration (irregular migration, forced migration, migration governance, production of knowledge and memory about migration)
♦ Civil society (including in emigration)
♦ Methodology and methods of social research (qualitative research, ethnography, sensory anthropology, engaged research)
♦ Contemporary religiosity
♦ Anthropology of emotions
♦ Research on aging
♦ Research area: Europe (Poland, Germany, Hungary), Asia (Turkey, China, Philippines)
♦ Kujawa, I. (2024) Emotions and Strategies in the Face of the Border(ing): The Lived Experiences of Filipino Migrants in Mainland China, Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, 1(191), 85-98. https://doi.org/10.4467/25444972SMPP.23.010.18349
♦ Kujawa, I. & I. Main. (2023) Gazing Toward and Beyond the Borders: Syrian Refugees and Organizations Supporting Them in Turkey, Journal of Borderlands Studies https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08865655.2023.2289105?src=exp-la DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2023.2289105
♦ Main I. and I. Kujawa. (2023) Activism and ‘lived religion’: Challenging the anti-refugee attitudes in Poland, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 38:3, 407-425. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13537903.2021.1984015?scroll=top&needAccess=true . DOI: 10.1080/13537903.2021.1984015
♦ Kujawa, I. (2023). Religion Constructed, Imagined, and Experienced: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Turkey. In: Goździak, E.M., Main, I. (eds) Debating Religion and Forced Migration Entanglements. Politics of Citizenship and Migration. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Available at: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-23379-1
♦ Kujawa, I. (2022). How Does It Feel to Be a Migrant? Affective Governmentality and Lived Experiences of Filipinas and Filipinos in Mainland China. Emotions: History, Culture, Society 6, no. 1: 46–64. Available at: https://brill.com/view/journals/ehcs/6/1/article-p46_4.xml
♦ E. M. Goździak, I. Main and I. Kujawa (2021). The ‘refugee crisis’ and religious tolerance in Europe: Plurality of perspectives. Briefing paper produced within the Horizon 2020 project “Norms and values in the European migration and refugee crisis”. Available at: https://8005a1c1-bc6e-4f88-9e9f-2183a5bd9c4f.filesusr.com/ugd/a61642_d1b8ba7468784d94bcb794ea84381b43.pdf?index=true
♦ Böhm, F., Jerve Ramsøy, and I. Kujawa (2021). Norms and Values in Refugee Resettlement - A Literature Review of Resettlement to the EU. NoVaMigra Policy Report 3.4.
♦ Quality Newspapers vs. Populism Shaping pro‐immigration attitudes in five EU Member States (March 2020). Main editor: V. M. Heins, Contributors: F. Boucher, M. Deleixhe, R. Szentpéteri Nagy, E. Gedő, I. Kujawa, C. Fernández. Report produced within the Horizon 2020 project “Norms and values in the European migration and refugee crisis”.
♦ General Value Landscape Matrix Methodology and Key Findings (November 2019). Main editor: T. Herrmann, Contributors: F. Boucher, E. Gedö, M. Göbel, N. Kuppen, I. Kujawa, Adam Mickiewicz University, T. Malamidis, C. Marchetti, B. Suter. Report produced within the Horizon 2020 project “Norms and values in the European migration and refugee crisis”.
♦ Summary Report on Value Agents in Public and Civil Society Institutions (September 2019). E. M. Goździak and I. Main, Co-authors: F. Boucher, M. Göbel, T. Herrmann, I. Kujawa, T. Malamidis, C. Marchetti, and B. Suter. Report produced within the Horizon 2020 project “Norms and values in the European migration and refugee crisis”.
♦ Activism and knowledge production. Archives and protest data in contentious politics field, PI prof. Maciej Kowalewski, funded by the National Science Center in Poland (Opus, 2023/49/B/HS6/00053) (postdoctoral researcher, 4.2024-currently)
♦ Norms and values in the European migration and refugee crisis, Horizon 2020, (postdoctoral researcher, 12.2018 – 07.2021)
♦ Managing emotions: Filipino migration to the People’s Republic of China”, NCN Preludium (2018/29/N/HS3/00528), (kierowniczka, 6.2019-6.2021)
♦ Socio-cultural identification of foreigners, PI. Jacek Schmidt, NCBiR, (wykonawczyni)
♦ AMIGA. Active migrants on the labour market – a German-Polish cooperation, PI Karolina Sydow
Additional information:
Scholarship recipient within the Chinese Government Scholarship (2010/2011) and Shenzhen Universiade International Scholarship
(2014/2015) programs