prof. UAM dra hab. Izabella Main
Director of the Centre for Migration Studies since 2021, anthropologist and historian, she is employed at the Department of Anthropology and Ethnology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
e-mail: imain@amu.edu.pl
Research interests:
♦ migration and health of Poles in selected European countries and USA: access to healthcare, experiences with local healthcare providers, health-related practices, diet and life-style of migrants, public health, health in multicultural settings
♦ forced migrants: norms and values in ‘refugee crisis’, activists and NGOs for and with refugees, research ethics and methodologies
♦ migrants in Poland and Poznań: identities, migratory experiences and trajectories; multiple migration, impact of migration on home communities
♦ action research and engaged anthropology
♦ Goździak E. M. & Main I., (2020) “Transnational Mobility and Socio-cultural Remittances: The Case of Polish Women in Norway and Poland”, Ethnologia Europaea 50(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/ee.1207
♦ Main, I., E.M. Goździak, L. Nowak. From Going Abroad to Settling Down… While Remaining Mobile? Polish women in Norway Narrate their Migration Experiences. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. (forthcoming 2020)
♦ Main, I. Reproductive rights in migration: politics, values and in/exclusionary practices in assisted reproduction. In: Gender, reproduction, regulation: Gender, intimacy and mobility in the era of hardening borders. F.Pine, H. Haukanes (eds.). Manchester University Press (forthcoming 2020)
♦ Main, I. 2019. Projektowanie dziecka w społeczeństwie norweskim. Matki z Polski wobec instytucji przedszkola [Designing childhood in the Norwegian society. Polish Mothers’ Attitudes towards Kindergartens], Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny 45: 131-148 [with Izabela Czerniejewska] [link]
♦ Main, I. 2018. Lepsze światy medyczne? Zdrowie, choroba i leczenie polskich migrantek w perspektywie antropologicznej [Better Medical Landscapes? Health, Illness and Healing of Polish Migrant Women in an Anthropological Perspective], Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, pp. 208. [link] Recenzja nr 1 Recenzja nr 2
♦ Main, I. 2017. Post-accession female mobility between Poland and Norway. New trends and new ways of thinking about migration, Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria Nowa 49 [with Izabela Czerniejewska]. [link]
♦ Main, I. 2016. Biomedical practices from a patient perspective. Experiences of Polish female migrants in Barcelona, Berlin and London, Anthropology & Medicine 23(2):188-204 .[link]
♦ Main, I. 2016. Motivations for mobility and settlement of Polish female migrants in Barcelona and Berlin, Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture 22 (1):62-79. [link]
♦ Main, I. 2016. Zmiany praktyk jedzeniowych wśród polskich emigrantek w Barcelonie i Berlinie [Changes in Eating Practices among Polish Migrant Women in Barcelona and Berlin], Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny 42(2): 135-156. [pdf]
♦ Main, I. 2015. Giving birth in Berlin: Reproductive experiences of Polish migrant women, In: Rethinking Ethnography in Central Europe, eds. H. Cervinkova, M. Buchowski, Z. Uherek, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 89-111. [link]
♦ Main, I. [ed.] 2015. Nie dość użyteczni. Zmagania imigrantów na lokalnym rynku pracy [Not Useful Enough. The Struggle of Immigrants in the Local Labor Market], Poznań: Centrum Badań Migracyjnych UAM, pp. 189. [with Natalia Bloch, Karolina Sydow] [pdf]
♦ Main, I. Sydow K. 2015. Migranci edukacyjni. Źródło dochodu czy pełnoprawni mieszkańcy miasta?, in: Nie dość użyteczni. Zmagania imigrantów na lokalnym rynku pracy, eds. N. Bloch N., I. Main I., K. Sydow, Poznań: Centrum Badań Migracyjnych UAM, pp. 101-126,
♦ Main, I. 2014. High mobility of Polish women: The ethnographic inquiry of Barcelona, International Migration 52(1:130-145. [link]
♦ Main, I. 2014. Medical travels of Polish female migrants in Europe, Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 50(6): 897-918 [link]
♦ Czerniejewska, I., Main I. (eds.). 2008. Uchodźcy: teoria i praktyka [Refugees: theory and practice], Poznań: Wydawnictwo Stowarzyszenie Jeden Świat 2008 [pdf]
♦ Good beginnings, promising futures. Children with migration backgrounds in polish schools. (3.10.2022-2.10.2026), funding: NCN funding under the OPUS program (researcher).
♦ Norms and Values in the European Migration and Refugee Crisis (NOVAMIGRA) 2018-2021, Horizon 2020, AMU coordinator, researcher [link]
♦ “Let’s talk about refugees, 2017-2019, coordination [link]
♦ Mobile Lives, Immobile Realms? Female Mobility Between Poland and Norway, 2015-2019; principal investigator [link]
♦ Migration for welfare: nurses within three regimes of immigration and integration into the Norwegian welfare state (WELLMIG). 2017-2021, AMU team coordinator, researcher [link]
♦ AMIGA. Active MIGrAnts on the labor market – a German-Polish cooperation. 2013-2015 (supervisor of the researchers/migrants’ assistants; researcher). [link]
♦ Foreigners in Poland: The heterogeneity of large urban centers – A case study of Poznan, 2006-2012, researcher [link]