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dra Anzhela Popyk

dr, post-doc

Center for Migration Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Research interests:

♦ childhood studies

♦ migration studies

♦ children’s agency

♦ children’s rights

♦ research ethics and methodology


Selected Publications:

♦ Popyk, A. (2022). Polish school through the eyes of migrant children. From acceptance to socialization. Migration Studies- Review of Polish Diaspora.


♦ Popyk, A. (2022). Anchors and Thresholds in the Formation of a Transnational Sense of Belonging of Migrant Children in Poland. Children's Geographies.


♦ Popyk A., Perkowska-Klejman A. (2019), Critical Analysis of the National Curricula Through Hofstede’s 4-D Model, Society Register, Vol. 3 no. 4 pp. 115-136. ISSN 2544–5502.


♦ Popyk A., Buler M. (2018), Transnational childhood: migrant children in contemporary Poland – literature review. In: Social and economic consequences of migration: analysis of selected aspects. Lublin: Publisher: TYGEL, pp. 34-49.


♦  Good beginnings, promising futures. Children with migration backgrounds in polish schools. (3.10.2022-2.10.2026), funding: NCN funding under the OPUS program (researcher). 


♦  The Role of Socialization Agents in Transnational Transitions and Sense of Belonging Formation of Migrant Children in Poland, PRELUDIUM 18 NCN, (2020-2023), coordinator,

♦ Diaspora policy in the context of post-accession migration. Comparative analysis of Poland, Lithuania and Hungary, OPUS 16 NCN, (2019-2022), NCN stipend holder,

♦ Transition to motherhood across three generations of Poles. Intergenerational longitudinal study  [GEMTRA], NCN SONATA, (2018-2021), researcher,

♦ School bullying and transitions to adulthood: reconstructing and evaluating the importance of bullying experiences in transition processes, USWPS, (2020-2021), researcher,

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