Dr Izabela Kujawa
cultural anthropologist and ethnolinguist, doctoral student at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Adam Mickiewicz University
e-mail: iza_kujawa@yahoo.com
Research interests:
♦ migration to the People’s Republic of China and from PRC to other developing countries (research experience in China and in Siberia)
♦ racial and ethnic stereotypes, multicultural education (educational projects and activities both dealing with and also aimed at national and ethnic minorities, refugees, immigrants, returning migrants)
♦ social science methodology and method
♦ Elżbieta M. Goździak, Izabella Main, Izabela Kujawa. Contributor(s): Franziska Böhm, Ingrid Jerve Ramsøy, Brigitte Suter, Angeliki Dimitriadi, Haris Malamidis. The ‘Refugee Crisis’ and Religious Tolerance in Europe: Plurality of Perspectives. NoVaMigra Briefing Paper September 2020. [link]
♦ Brigitte Suter, Ingrid Jerve Ramsøy, Franziska Böhm, Contributor(s): Elżbieta M. Goździak, Izabella Main, Izabela Kujawa. Valuing Gender Equality: Ideas, Practices and Actors in Everyday Integration Work — Integration and the Value of Gender Equality in Germany, Hungary, Poland and Sweden. NoVaMigra Briefing Paper September 2020. [link]
♦ Angeliki Dimitriadi, Haris Malamidis. Contributors: Elżbieta M. Goździak, Izabela Kujawa, Izabella Main, Franziska Böhm, Ingrid Jerve Ramsøy, Brigitte Suter. Hospitality in Civil Society: Practices during the European ‘Refugee Crisis’. NoVaMigra Briefing Paper September 2020. [link]
♦ Kujawa, I. (co-author) "General Value Landscape Matrix Methodology and Key Findings", November 2019. Main editor: T. Herrmann, Contributors: F. Boucher, E. Gedö, M. Göbel, N. Kuppen, I. Kujawa, T. Malamidis, C. Marchetti, B. Suter. Report produced within the Horizon 2020 project "Norms and values in the European migration and refugee crisis".
♦ V. M. Heins, University of Duisburg‐Essen (Germany). Contributors: F. Boucher, M. Deleixhe, University Paris 1 Panthéon‐Sorbonne (France);
R. Szentpéteri Nagy, E. Gedő, John Wesley Theological College Budapest (Hungary); I. Kujawa, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland); C. Fernández, Malmö University (Sweden). Quality Newspapers vs. Populism. Shaping pro‐immigration attitudes in five EU Member States. NoVaMigra March 2020. [link]
♦ Kujawa, I. (co-author) "General Value Landscape Matrix Methodology and Key Findings", November 2019. Main editor: T. Herrmann, Contributors: F. Boucher, E. Gedö, M. Göbel, N. Kuppen, I. Kujawa, T. Malamidis, C. Marchetti, B. Suter. Report produced within the Horizon 2020 project "Norms and values in the European migration and refugee crisis".♦ Elżbieta M. Goździak, Izabella Main. Co-authors: F. Boucher (France), M. Göbel (Netherlands), T. Herrmann (Germany), I. Kujawa (Poland), T. Malamidis (Greece), C. Marchetti (Italy), and B. Suter (Sweden). Summary report on value agents in public and civil society institutions. NoVaMigra September 2019.
♦ Kujawa I. 2018. 'Don't call us 'Polonia'': Attitudes towards Migration, Migrants, and Diaspora among Poles in South China, in: Contemporary Migrations in the Humanistic Coefficient Perspective. Florian Znaniecki's Thought in Today's Social Science Research, ed. J. Kubera, Ł. Skoczylas, Bern: Peter Lang, Pp. 187-198.
♦ Kujawa, I. 2015. Chińska emigracja z perspektywy Chin – okolice Kaiping i diaolou. Biuletyn migracyjny 54: 2-3.
♦ Kujawa, I. 2015. Shenzhen – miasto z chińskich snów, Anthropos? 24: 135-144, 2015
♦ Kujawa, I. 2015. Etnolog w Chinach. Wyzwania dla prowadzenia badań terenowych, Kognitywistyka i media w edukacji 2: 133-144.
♦ Kujawa, I. 2013. Using people as infrastructure in order to survive: the case of Western immigrants in Wuhan (China), in: Współczesna Azja z perspektywy młodego badacza, ed. M. Kania, Poznań: Repozytorium UAM, p. 39-54, 2013
♦ Norms and Values in the European Migration and Refugee Crisis (NOVAMIGRA) 2018-2021, Horizon 2020, researcher
♦ Managing emotions: Filipino migration to the People’s Republic of China 2019-2020, Preludium NCN, principal investigator
♦ Społeczno-kulturowa identyfikacja cudzoziemców [Socio-cultural identification of foreigners] 2013-2016, researcher [link]
♦ AMIGA. Active MIGrAnts on the labour market – a German-Polish cooperation, 2013-2015 researcher,
♦ Land of Contention. Chinese-Russian Borderland (Transbaikalia and Hulunbuir) in National Discourses of Russia, China and Mongolia, National Science Foundation, 2013-2016, researcher